When you are thinking up kitchen decorating ideas, you often think about the accessories like placemats, canister sets and window treatments but did you know that kitchen barstools can add drama and whimsy to the look of your kitchen?
If you have a kitchen island with an eating area, one of the first things you see when you come into the room is the backs of the stools. Now, if you have plain stools you've probably never really noticed them or thought too much about them. However, you can buy barstools for the kitchen that have appealing designs such as silhouettes carved out of metal, and even painted whimsical objects.
Counter Height Stools Wood
Even some of the less decorative kitchen bar tools such as those made out of wrought iron or wood can add an elegant charm to the room simply by the subtle designs on the backs. Oftentimes a design change doesn't need to be something that hits you right in the face, but a more subtle element in the room that adds a certain ambiance to the overall decor.
One of the most popular kitchen decorating ideas these days is to decorate your kitchen in a theme, such as a western theme or maybe even a theme of a particular fruit. If this is the case in your kitchen, you really need to explore some of the options in barstools because you can get some really nice stools that have cactuses or coyotes cut out of metal backs which would go great with a western theme and you can also get them with hand-painted fruits such as lemons and grapes which goes perfect with the fruit theme.
Even if you don't have an eating island in your kitchen, barstools can look great at a tall café table. Just replacing your low table with a taller table like this can give the kitchen a whole new chic look. You can also just sit them in the corner kitty cornered and maybe even put a plant on them for an added splash of decor.
If you are shopping for barstools for your kitchen, you want to be sure that you get them in the right height. Barstools come in varying degrees of heights but you've got a match your stool to the height of your counter or table. Be sure that you buy a stool that will give you between 10 and 13 inches of space between the top of the seat and the bottom of the counter. What you want to do, is measure from the floor to the bottom of the counter then when you are out shopping for stools, you'll know what height range to buy them in by subtracting 10 to 13 inches from that number.
So if you're running out of kitchen decorating ideas, try looking at some kitchen barstools you just might be able to make a statement as well as get some comfortable seating all-in-one!
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